Sunday, December 29, 2019

Gross Domestic Product Of Australia - 1673 Words

AUSTRALIAN ECONOMY GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT As per Australian Bureau of Statistics, Gross domestic product of Australia is 1560.60 USD, with annual growth rate of 2.50 percent. Services sector dominates the total GDP of the economy (65 percent of total GDP). Though service sector is dominant yet major contribution to economy’s success in recent years came from mining sector (13.5 percent of GDP). Some other sectors which have contributed towards the success of Australian economy are manufacturing (11 percent), construction (9.5 percent) and agriculture (2 percent). GOVERNMENT BUDGET Government budget is the accounting of total payments made by the government (in terms of transfer payments and purchases) and total payments received†¦show more content†¦Majority of the Australian trade is with china which accounts for 30 percent of total exports and 18 percent of total exports. As stated earlier in the report, Australia is rich in natural resources and it major exports consists of metals like iron ore and gold (28 percent) followed by coal (18 percent) and oil and gas (9 percent). Biggest share of Australian exports constitutes of manufactured goods and machinery and other office equipment. Total amount of exports of Australia are 27874 million AUD. FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT The report from Australian Bureau of Statistics showed a decrease in the amount of foreign direct investment in Australia in recent years. This is due to the Global financial crisis of 2009 where all components of FDI declined. FDI in Australia decreased from 55596 AUD million in 2012 to 52667 Aud million in 2013 IMPORTS There has been an increase in imports of Australia from 28595 AUD million in January 2015 to 29129 AUD million in February 2015. The commodities which are included in imports are machinery and transport equipment which is followed by telecommunication and office equipment. GENERAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Australia is a developed democratic nation with stable business environment. It has very diverse and competitive market. The open structure of Australian markets attracts FDI and greatly compliments its trade imports and exports. It is located inShow MoreRelatedComparing The Australian Economy And The Chinese Economy1066 Words   |  5 Pagesimportance to Australia. Economic growth, employment/unemployment, environmental sustainability, the role of government (in health care, education and welfare), and quality of life determine the economic development of a nation. Australia and China’s economic growth vary in terms of different increases in their gross domestic product, or GDP, which is measured in US dollars. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Huffprumps Declination Of Gun Violence In The Media

Throughout the day on October 9, 2017, The New York Times website covered a variety of stories, featuring numerous articles concerning the Las Vegas tragedy and gun violence in the United States, as well as pieces highlighting President Trump’s declination of the Iran Nuclear Agreement and cutback of employer birth control coverage. The outlet also published stories regarding Harvey Weinstein’s sexual harassment allegations and Steve Mnuchin’s $800,000 travel expenses. Across that Friday, the digitally-initiated HuffPost focused its attention on political issues, from Robert Mueller’s investigation into Trump and Russia’s collusion to disputes between Doug Jones and Roy Moore. Similar to The New York Times, HuffPost featured stories on the†¦show more content†¦11). In the coverage of the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize winner throughout the news outlets, the visual narrative, or story told through â€Å"still photography, illustration, or video,† ascribes meaning to the prospect of a world without nuclear weapons (Ron, 2017, para. 5). On the three websites, optimistic images depicting ICAN members smiling and expressing hope, as well as deliberate sanguine phrasing like â€Å"the group was honored for its ‘ground-breaking efforts’† contribute to the inspiring commentary (Adomaitis Miles, 2017). Whether the articles disagree with The United States’ or Australia’s government, they demonstrate mainstreaming, or the influencing of the readers to align with the anti-Nuclear weapon viewpoint. Phrases such as â€Å"huge disappointment† throughout the articles bring awareness to the audience in that their governments need to take peaceful action (Jacks, 2017, para. 16). While The New York Times refers to ICAN as a â€Å"Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons† (Gladstone, 2017) in its headline, HuffPost exaggerates the organization as an â€Å"Anti-Nuke Group† (Adomaitis Miles, 2017). Furthermore, the visual content presented in the articles varies among sources, for The New York Times utilizes tweets from the Nobel Prize organization while HuffPost not only embeds images and tweets but also a video,

Friday, December 13, 2019

Word Order in a Noun Phrase and English Anaphors Free Essays

WORD ORDER IN NP AND ENGLISH ANAPHORS Tereza Stifnerova The purpose of this essay is firstly to show the word order of a noun phrase (NP) and how the head noun of the NP can be post- and pre-modified, and secondly to focus on meaning of some examples of English anaphors and the distinctions between them and their Czech translations. The first part is going to aim on the internal structure of NPs. Complex nominal phrase consists of the pre-modifying elements, the head noun and the post-modifying elements. We will write a custom essay sample on Word Order in a Noun Phrase and English Anaphors or any similar topic only for you Order Now The so-called pre-modifiers can be divided into two groups: determiners and prenominals. We have to say that „determiners are obligatory and uniqueâ€Å" (Veselovska:86), and they have a specific place in the noun phrase – they are at the beginning. Among determiners we arrange also the possesives (my, your, etc. ). These two (determiners and possesives) are shown in (1). (1) a/the/my/mum’s mug Prenominals are the adjectives and secondary adjectives between the determiners and the head noun. They are optional, which means they do not have to be in the NP, and they are recursive – it means they are not lined up in a very strict order, but there are some semantic features which affect the order. (2) a. the small old blue wooden box b. ? the wooden blue old small box c. small the old blue wooden box Post-modifiers, or postnominals, can also have a fixed or a relatively free order. Among elements of these category belong multiple prepositional phrases (3-4), verbs with infinitive or in the –ing form (5-6), clauses (relative clause) (7), complex adjectival phrases (8) and of-phrases (9). 3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) the gift for Jane from Peter ? the gift from Peter to Jane a girl to watch the lector teaching history the gift which you gave me a girl [AP more beautiful than me ] the student of philology Except the last one, the others can be lined up after the head noun in a relatively free order. (10) a book of fairytales tied with a blue ribbon for my daughter A s I said, the of-phrase has a fixed place in a word order of a NP – it has to follow the head noun immediately because it is adjacent to the noun. 11) a. an office of the teacher with the white door b. * an office with the white door of the teacher In the second part I am going to translate some examples of English anaphors into Czech and then discuss the meanings of them and I will also try to show the distinctions between English and Czech forms. Here are the examples in English: (a1) Theyi killed themk. (b1) Theyi killed themselvesi. (c1) Theyi killed each otheri. And the translation into Czech: (a2) Oni je zabili. (b2) Oni se zabili. (c2) Oni se zabili (navzajem). The example (a1) has the index i with the pronoun they and the index k with the accusative case of the pronoun they, which means that the pronoun they have a meaning of „peopleâ€Å", which are NOT the people included in the meaning of them, i. e. them has the so-called disjoined refference. The following examples (12), (13) and (14) show that in English the nominative and accusative cases of the pronoun they are used to mark different (groups of) people. (12) (13) (14) The thievesi killed themk. The thievesi killed the thievesk. *The thievesi killed the thievesi. the thieves ? them they are not the same thieves so they cannot have the same index The example (b1) has the index i in both cases – it means that they and themselves includes the same people. Because themselves is a reflexive pronoun, we know that the group of people indicated in they is the same group of people as in themselves. In the example (c1) is shown the same as in the example (b1), although in this case the second pronoun is reciprocal so we know that the group of people included in they consists – in this case – of two people. It means that the first one killed the second one and conversely the second one killed the first one. It means that the reciprocals „require the antecedent to be plural (the action or relation takes place between the members of the set, reciprocally). â€Å" (Veselovska:104) These anaphors in (b1) and (c1) are also called syntactic anaphors. „Syntactic anaphors have a hierarchically higher antecedent, which means they must be bound in the same clause, usually in the position of Subject or Agentâ€Å" (Veselovska:104) as in (15) and (16). (15) (16) We saw ourselves in the mirror. To educate oneself is a choice of every person. urselves Subject oneself Agent (of educating) In Czech it is different. The first example (a2) is very simple – the pronouns clearly state who killed whom. Oni killed je, which means one group of people killed the other one. The examples (b2) and (c2) are in Czech similar in form but different in meaning. Nevertheless, in the second case w e can optionally add the word navzajem, so it would be more clear who killed whom but basically, the reflexive pronoun se is universal in Czech. BIBLIOGRAPHY Veselovska, Ludmila. A Course In English Morpho-Syntax. UP Olomouc, 2009 How to cite Word Order in a Noun Phrase and English Anaphors, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Rivethead; Social Issues Of Work Essay Example For Students

Rivethead; Social Issues Of Work Essay Introduction Ben Hampers book Rivethead; Tales From The Assembly Line is a gritty in your face account of a factory workers struggles against his factory, his co-workers, and the time clock. Hamper makes no apologies for any of his actions, many of which were unorthodox or illegal. Instead he justifies them in a way that makes the factory workers strife apparent to those who have never set foot on an assembly line and wouldnt have the vaguest idea how much blood, sweat and tears go into the products we take for granted everyday. Rivethead is an account of the entire life of Author Ben Hamper, from his long family lineage of shoprats and his catholic school upbringing to his numerous different positions on the General Motors assembly line and his equally numerous lay-offs from the GM Truck Bus Division. Unfortunately the many years of back breaking labor combined with Hampers own personal demons led him to check into an outpatient mental facility (at the time of the completion of this book) where he learns daily to cope with his many years of mental anguish. Rivethead is a social commentary on industrial America, assembly line work , and the auto industry. This essay, however, will focus on the more specific aspects Hamper considers, such as the monotony required on a (then) modern assembly line, the relationship and hierarchy among workers and their interaction with management as well as both collective and individual responses to work and job satisfaction (or lack there of). Analysis When Henry Ford first developed the idea of the assembly line he was heralded as one of the most forward thinking men of his time, and without the assembly line we would no doubt not be as powerful a nation as we are today. The assembly line principle as it matured in industrial society however, proved to destroy workers creativity and stifle the very essence of human life. Growth and change. On an assembly line workers are degraded to automatons, performing the same tasks over and over and over. Day in day out, without ever having any knowledge or input into any of the other tasks related to completion of the project. This monotony in the workplace spills over into the daily life of many factory workers and affects how they live their life outside of the factory after the whistle blows as much as it does while theyre on the assembly line. This spillover was observed by Hamper of his Grandfather. Straight home from work, dinner, the evening news and immediately into bed at 7:00 p.m. He arose each weekday at 3:30 a. m., fixed himself some black coffee, turned on the kitchen radio, smoked a handful of Lucky Strikes and waited to leave for work at a quarter to five. This regimen never varied one iota in the forty years he worked for GM (Hamper pg.6). It is fairly clear that the monotony of the assembly line has a way of setting personal routines for its workers that eventually work their way out of the factory and into the home. One interesting question that is raised, is whether people who like their life to be routinized eventually find their way to an assembly line or if the assembly line monotony brings the propensity to routinize out in people who previously did not live by many routines. The relationships Hamper discusses between the workers on the assembly line are unique to say the least and sometimes comical or dangerous. After reading this book I would surmise that most factory workers build friendships with other factory workers almost exclusively. This could be due to their similarity of interests, similarity of jobs, the fact that they are in contact daily, or just by virtue of the timing of their shifts (as was Hampers case). I think one thing that helped to bind the workers together was the fact that they saw it as workers against management and by their solidarity they could turn the balance of power in their favor. This solidarity was visible when a new supervisor was hired who wasnt cutting the workers any slack, so the workers resorted to sabotage. 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Relationships between workers were generally very good, although there was a hierarchy among the workers between the new guys and the experienced guys. Franklin made a career out of intimidating rookies (Hamper pg.51) because until a worker had put in 90 days he could be fired for any reason. Not all of Hampers co-workers saw eye to .

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Langston Hughes Pieces Essays - Jazz Poetry, Harlem Renaissance

Langston Hughes Pieces The short story "Thank You, Ma'am" and the poem "Mother to Son", both by Langston Hughes are similar yet differ in many ways. In the following paragraphs I will explain the similarities and the differences. Besides being written by the same author the two literary works are a like in the sense that they are both advice to young people. An example from "Mother to Son" is "So boy don't you turn back, don't set you down those stairs ?cause you find its kinder harder, don't you fall now". An example from "Thank you Ma'am is when Mrs. Jones says " I were young once and I wanted things I couldn't get, I have done things, too, which I would not tell you son?neither God, if he didn't already know". Both works are sharing there experiencing with younger people to try to help them to learn from the mistakes they have made in their life. They give the young people their advice showing kindness. Also both stories are written with the same kind of language. An example of this is words like "M' am", "No' m", and "Yes' m" from Thank You, M' am and words like "I' se" "a-climbin' ", and"aint" from Mother to Son. The ways these works are different is the format of the pieces. "Mother To Son" is a poem and "Thank You M' am" is a short story. The literary elements in "Thank You M' am" are characterization, direct characterization and indirect characterization. In "Mother To Son" uses diction, connotations, denotations, entrails and his freedom of language, which is called his poetic license. "Mother to Son" also has a deeper meaning, the writer chose to write this poem like a metaphor, referring his life to a staircase. "Thank You M' am" is clear about its meaning and uses dialog to explain the theme and meaning of the work. In conclusion I found it clear to see that the literary works were alike in the sense that they were both giving out a positive message but different in the way the message is told. All and all I found both of these stories alike in the sense that they were very enjoyable to read and learn from!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How Do You Calculate ACT Score Raw and Scaled

How Do You Calculate ACT Score Raw and Scaled SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The ACT is scored on a scale of 36. How do you end up with a composite score from 0-36 when you answer a lot more than 36 questions? In this article, I'll walk you through the three steps to calculate your ACT composite score: Calculate section raw scores Convert raw scores to scaled scores Average section scores to determine composite First, Calculate Your Raw Scores for Each Section To calculate the raw score, you simply need the number of questions answered correctly and the number of questions answered incorrectly. You get 1 point for each question answered correctly. You receive 0 points for each question answered incorrectly or each question that you skipped. The highest possible raw score for each section depends on the total number of questions asked.Unlike the SAT, the ACT does not penalize you for wrong answers. For example, in the Reading sections, there are always 4 passages with a total of 40 multiple-choice questions, so the highest possible raw score is 40.If you got all 40 questions right, your raw score would be 40.If you got 19 questions wrong and 21 questions right, your raw score would be 21.In the Math sections, there are 60 multiple-choice questions, so the highest possible raw score is 60.In English, there are 75 multiple-choice questions, so the highest possible raw score is 75. In Science, there are 40multiple-choice questions, so thehighest possible raw score is40. For Writing, you write one essay, which is graded on a scale of 1-36.Your ACT Essay score does not count towards your composite ACT score, so I will not be talking about it further in this article.If you want more information, then read ACT Writing Rubric: Full Analysis and Essay Strategies. Then, Convert Your Raw Scores to Scaled Scores Your section raw scores are converted into scaled scores (on the 0 to 36 scale for each section) using a table.This table changes for every ACT test date. The reason the table changes is to ensure each test is â€Å"standardized.† The table is used to equate â€Å"easier† ACT tests to the â€Å"harder† ACT tests.For this reason, on one test date,if you get a raw score of 39 in Science (by answering one question incorrectly or skipping one question), your scaled score in Science may drop to a 34.However, on another day, the conversion from raw to scaled score may be more lenient, and a raw score of 39 in Science may be a perfect 36 scaled Science score. You will not know what the raw to scaled score conversion will be in advance.While the exact raw to scaled score conversion will vary by testing date, the ACT shared the below table in the Preparing for the ACT guide as an example: Scale Score English Math Reading Science Scale Score 36 75 60 40 40 36 35 72-74 58-59 39 39 35 34 71 57 38 38 34 33 70 55-56 37 37 33 32 68-69 54 35-36 - 32 31 67 52-53 34 36 31 30 66 50-51 33 35 30 29 65 48-49 32 34 29 28 63-64 45-47 31 33 28 27 62 43-44 30 32 27 26 60-61 40-42 29 30-31 26 25 58-59 38-39 28 28-29 25 24 56-57 36-37 27 26-27 24 23 53-55 34-35 25-26 24-25 23 22 51-52 32-33 24 22-23 22 21 48-50 30-31 22-23 21 21 20 45-47 29 21 19-20 20 19 43-44 27-28 19-20 17-18 19 18 41-42 24-26 18 16 18 17 39-40 21-23 17 14-15 17 16 36-38 17-20 15-16 13 16 15 32-35 13-16 14 12 15 14 29-31 -12 12-13 14 13 27-28 8-10 10 13 12 25-26 7 9-10 9 12 23-24 5-6 8 8 10 20-22 4 6-7 7 10 9 18-19 - - 5-6 9 8 15-17 3 5 - 8 7 12-14 - 4 4 7 6 10- 2 3 3 6 5 8-9 - - 2 5 4 6-7 1 2 - 4 3 4-5 - - 1 3 2 2-3 - 1 - 2 1 0-1 0 0 0 1 Again, however, remember that the exact conversion varies by test date. Finally, Take the Scaled Scores for Each Section and Average Them to Get Your ACT Composite Score Once you have your scaled scores for the individual sections, you just add them together and divide by 4 to get your overall SAT composite score.For example, if you scored a 33 in Math, 35 in Critical Reading, 31 in English, and 30 in Science, your composite score would simply be (33+35+31+30)/4=32.25, which rounds to 32. NOTE: Currently, the English score (NOT the English/Language Arts score) is used to calculate your composite ACT score. What This Means for You Once you figure out what your target raw ACT scoreshould be, you can use that numberto determine your ACT test strategy.You can use your target raw score to figure out how many questions you can skip or answer incorrectly. If you are struggling to finish each section on time, consider spending more time on other questions and bubbling in random letters for the questions you couldn't answer. Always try to bubble in an answer for every question since there is no penalty for guessing! What’s Next? Need help raising yourACT score? Check out guides to the ACT Reading, Math, English, and Science sections.Taking the ACT very soon? Read our guide to cramming for the test. Not sure where you want to go to college? Check out our guide to finding your target school.Also, figure out yourtarget ACT score. Thinking about getting a job while in high school? Check out our guide to the 8 best jobs for teensand learn how to find yours! Disappointed with your ACT scores? Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically. Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Dora Seigel About the Author As an SAT/ACT tutor, Dora has guided many students to test prep success. She loves watching students succeed and is committed to helping you get there. Dora received a full-tuition merit based scholarship to University of Southern California. She graduated magna cum laude and scored in the 99th percentile on the ACT. She is also passionate about acting, writing, and photography. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Analysis essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Analysis - Essay Example The use of direct quotes of the author calling his siblings shows the author’s attempts to imitate the family set-ups he watched in his favorite program. The quotes are useful in creating an imagery of the author’s actions and his desire to mimic the perfect families in TV. Orr (82) explains that the use of satire throughout the story is the writer’s strongest aspect in constructing his arguments. The author asked his brother Rick and sister Debbie to put on shoes to the dinner table just like in the TV where people dress appropriately for dinner parties. However, Rick defied him and came to the dinner table with only his swim trunks on. The writer’s attempts to influence his siblings and his brother’s defiance occurred without the mother realizing. The use of satire is more evident in the author’s use of an exclamation mark in the sentence â€Å"†¦to become wealthy, and right away!† The author is so obsessed with the rich lives of the families he watches in the TV such that he decides to take a rake and look for work in the neighborhood. Even though doing manual jobs such as cleaning using rakes cannot make one rich, the author still believes he can be rich. Even more satirical is the fact that the author walks in the neighborhood requesting to collect leaves in the summer. It is clear that the author’s obsession has impaired his judgment and reasoning. It is in the summer therefore, there are no leaves to clean up. However, the author’s insistence on the presence of leaves to clean up is ridiculous and discomforting. The author’s use of satire is his strongest literary aspect to show his childhood and often, stupid obsession with families in TV (Orr 83). Gary Soto discusses at length his quest to work for people in the neighborhood in order to get rich (Orr 93). He succinctly describes the work he did for his neighbors and in the process, highlights the stupidity of his